Friday, 3 May 2013

Random Thoughts…..

It was last Saturday
Kenya was shocked, twitter trended, Facebook ran a riot
A senator. Dead.
Africa has morals. You have to mourn the dead.
I think…..for simple fear of death.

Monday evening
A gentleman, good in stature…and education
Schooled in western Europe, and grown in Mbooni
Albeit with a tusker on hand
Chose to mourn, but not forgive the fallen eland
He told me, the big man was a great Kenyan, but a home failure.

Point blank….
Or a blank point
Today is the journalism free day
Or a free day for journalism.

Friends can hurt….or even injure
Linturi and co. were friends to Kenyans
The other day. They wanted the vote.

Its Friday again.
Rugby in Ngong’...the day after today
Now where will we do the drinking 

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