Saturday, 20 December 2014

The Painful poem

The painful poem,
Of a president so dissident, that he signs into law
A bill that illegalizes this painful poem
In the pretext that he is giving Kenyans security.
A painful poem that images how the Shabaab must be scoffing us
Laughing at us for our cluelessness, carelessness and recklessness
On matters national.

The painful poem that,
even the political science professor supports issues because they are CORD
or because the issues are Jubilee.
Conjuring  demons of thoughtlessness to dine in the library,
Amid shots of Viceroy, of a girl and glasses of Namaqua.
And ululations in defeat, celebrations in turmoil
As Bishops, pastors and all men in white
Join in the game of taking sides, blindly, ignorantly and blow-fully.

This is the painful poem
Of thousands of graduates who will brush the tarmac
Paint it sole-black,
In the search for an opportunity to care for their destitute families
Disillusioned mothers and tired fathers,
Who sold land, cattle and shares
To pay for an education whose lecturers were clueless, copypasters and money hungries
Unaware of the need for quality, the need for quantity.

This is a painful poem,
Of a MP who pays the judge to implicate,
A youthman for criticizing the management of a people fund
Because doing so undermines a smelly authority embedded on,
Corruption, mediocrity, inadequacy and gross stupidity.
This poem, this painful poem,
mirrors the use of violence and inexistent laws
to annihilate fighters for justice and equity
In favor of anarchy, monarchy, allergy for justice and misogyny.

This is a painful poem,
About a country christened as a strong economic power,
Compared against dwarfs,
Used as a key PR to show the importance of extreme capitalism
Where the rich die in gold beds as the poor grapple for the paper,
and the name of God is used to describe impunity and impurity
Perverting the Qu’ran, Bible and the common law,
As a thousand ignorant tribe-mates of the king ululate
and congratulate
The reverse speed to precolonialism, self-colonialism and primitivity,
Oblivious of the possibility of a Southern Sudan, a Syria or Swazi,
Where power is carried in the balls of the king,
Transmitted through ejaculation, orgasm of a mole organism.

This is a painful poem that,
Misleadership, a third world and a no world.
This is a painful poem that cries for a Wanjiku, an Atieno,
And the Maccs who despite reading a lot of the Max and the Marx
Finds himself on his marks,
Criticizing and critiquing
But again, who cares.

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