Thursday, 13 February 2014

This thing confuses,,,,,,

Look here (sisya vaa) friend complains that he is jobless coz he is not connected. The HR professional will always tell you to network network and network, know people, approach people and beg people for a job. They will also teach you how to practice for an interview, how to dress...don't fidget or eat your fingers, so the best you can pretend the better your chances....or so.....

Who is the HR...mostly she will be a baby-boomer, closing in to retirement, or at best a late X generation. A very protective group of people who want to do everything for their kids, a group of people who will go down the history of mankind as destroyers, crusaders of average and promoters of mediocrity. Come on, even if you score a C...a D or in some cases a retake your parent will tell you....'not bad'. They find tranquility in the group and serenity on mob psychology.

In case you are reading this, sitting at home, waiting for that friend of your dad's half-cousin to find a job for you, then, know, i will call you a cabbage. No offence. The world now faces very difference challenges caused by the indifference of our parents. A young man or lady will need desertion to think outside the box, or, in extreme of the terms, without the box.

Until the baby-boomers take away that protection, that security off the backs of their children, then we will see these problems for a very long time. Come on, i have seen cases where a girl is chased away from home by a difficult parent at 17 only to return seven years later with a grown boy, a better face and ready to lift the family out of mental and material poverty, reason, the parents took off from her back!

Even if we were all nephews and nieces to the president, trust me, we would not be all-employed. There is need to create, to panic, to suffer and face it rough till we learn to create, to get something from nothing. The rules are a lie. That path of a BCOM....CPAK and MBA is a hoax. I know it the level of a good car, a good house and some respect, but that will never be enough, not for Africa.

The Africa problem needs African solution. The solution is an intellectual revolution, an education matched on need and a re-definition of success. Success is not that big car, big house or larger than life frame, success is.........Dr. Griffins. It is Steve Biko, Kwame Nkrumah and Patrice of the Congo. Dudes who in their youth days were thinking about mental freedom, mental independence and intellectual break through. Guys who were conceptualizing the idea of metropolis, black power and racial equity. Mark you, the number one perpetrator of racial prejudice is the black man, he thinks he is less.

Africa has been rising, i mean, the capitalistic Africa of extremes, of great poverty and plenty wealth, and it is in this network where money is made then the ambitious poor man is given pennies, and if it is a lady some penis to give up the dream of changing anything. Guys move to gated community, they condescend, patronize and strut, with a wrong definition of success. The bliss escapes them, the way the feeling of the kiss fades away when the dad finds you, when they have to pay for security, to secure themselves from themselves, because they only redeemed themselves and left their other selves in the abyss of refuse, the way the loud pastor and his mistress enjoy Sunday afternoon meal at the Sankara while congregation sleep it away at Uhuru park.


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