I like making mistakes, from overcooking the ugali to buying an undersize shoe. Mistakes make us, build us and teach us that after all, we aint that smart. Lessons from mistakes are easily forgotten because we rush to shake of the dust and put the memory away. We rarely take the lesson, but i guess, that is how human beings are, just fond of the good things, i mean, the palatable, sweet, attractive, cozy, tastefully luxurious and elegant. The things which make us feel more like us, build our ego and massage our self-importance. but if only we can learn from mistakes....this world, of you and me, would be a better place
I don't like, for example, a kid who goes through the entire school curriculum without a suspension or the ''go and come with your parent'' instruction from the teacher. How can you, i mean, how can one be so disciplined? You don't dare to breach the codes of conduct in school, you want to be safe, you don't want to curse the teacher after several canes, i mean, it was, and i still belief it is, cool to hurl insults to the teacher, albeit quietly, after he has worked very hard on your buttocks.
Now in the real life, the adult life. People love their comfort zones so much that they become slaves, slaves of little salaries, of early morning jams and late hours in the office. they get mesmerized by stories of those who made it in life by having the courage to resign and start their own stuff, like farming potatoes or poultry. We always yearn for prestige earned through years of service till your employer wonders what is that you are chasing in the organization and gives you a salary increment and some powerless position. It is like giving a toothless dog a bone, what is the use?
Babyboomers, those guys born in the 50's and 60's, now, also, in their 50's and 60's, will be blamed for raising up delinquents and brats in the form of Y-generation. wait a minute,,,,baby-boomer, i hear during their time babies were more than napkins in their market, prompting post keynesian economists to predict the end of human existence as they just couldn't see what the babies boomed will eat. The same population guilty of filling every space we got in the world is the same one which brought forth the likes of me, and that Facebook generation which has to depend on parents, well wishers and even government for basic amenities, a generation which is never trained to dare make a mistake, which believes in trudging the safe ground, no heart breaks( if it happens it is the work of the satan with co-operation with the man species).
In a place called Kenya, these babyboomers are proposing a law to defend their daughters against the playboys of this world. They are unaware that generation Y, or the online generation is very creative. If you say it will cost me three hundred thousand shillings if i cheat a girl then i will use sign language, will you record that? I am told that handsets with good recorders are much on demand to pin down unstraight guys. The language will lose quite some usage of words like love, marry and engage for fear of being slapped with a fine worth your life savings (if you lucky enough to know how to save).
They say that generation Y, we love casuals, our phones and the internet, come on, it is our time. What is the sense of putting on a suit and a tie only to stare on a computer screen all day, just because you are an accountant? I remember my school days very well, and the best mathematicians were always the shaggy kind, unkempt and unschooled, on the outward. Why should you stay in the office from 2 pm to 5pm, doing nothing while you are through with your work?? Get me right, work is in the hands, nt in the time, we, the golden generation Y, can even work at night, if we feel like it.
All the complain and the fuss, that this girl is badly dressed, or that one is half-naked, didn't you, the babyboomers, set the trend? We don't leave in a hiding, we get out and have fun, we are the lucky generation, the last group to play with your hand made traditional toys, and the first group to usher in the internet, a new world where we live, we are never alone, even if we seem to be. We don't really listen to the elders, it is no longer live long see much, it is browse more know much, and we can easily take in more content that the whole lot you have seen all you life times.
We can mistake, cry over it, but that is our problem. It is very hard to fit, we play catch up with technology, with trends and fashion, we are savvy, it is our weakness. We are not loyal, we will quit the job once we feel that boss doesn't feel nice about us, that he is still stuck in the past, in the world of apes, slow in thinking and reaction. We are pro-active, lazy and we make mistakes, we survive and learn by them, we are, after all, the Y generation. The answer of the Y is not known, and maybe, will never be.
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